Mission Statement
“Dedicated to preserving the history and heritage of Hellertown and its people
The Mission Statement reinforces the Society’s commitment to preserve Hellertown’s heritage, while the Vision Statement looks to establish the Society as the preferred destination for those seeking information about Hellertown’s rich history. The Vision Statement also recognizes the value of state-of-the-art technology in reaching and achieving established goals and objectives.
The mission of the Hellertown Historical Society, a non-profit 501c(3) organization, is to preserve the Heller-Wagner Grist Mill, Pony Bridge, the Grist Miller’s House, Wash House and related historical buildings and to preserve Hellertown’s heritage through collection, preservation and exhibition of selected mill-related and Hellertown related documents, artifacts and photographs for viewing by the public and to provide educational opportunities about Hellertown’s heritage.
The Heller-Wagner Grist Mill, Pony Bridge, Grist Miller’s House and Wash House will be vibrant places where visitors, through guided and/or self-guided tours, will encounter, explore and learn about the past. Permanent and rotating museum exhibits will focus on the daily life of Hellertown’s people, organizations and businesses.