
Hellertown's Post Office Locations
In April, 2023, the Hellertown Post Office celebrated its 200th Anniversary of existence in Hellertown. As part of this celebration, Hellertown Historical Society published this booklet of all former post office locations throughout the Borough in its 200 years of business, including the current location.
Also included in this booklet are the names of every person who served as Postmaster through its 200 years of service.
As was common practice in the early years, the Postmaster decided where the post office would be located. Often, the post office occupied or shared space with another business. Some Postmasters served relatively short terms, thus the post office often re-located many times.
This booklet features early photos of the post offices and, whenever possible, compares them with the same location as it appears today.

Borough of Hellertown Walking Tour
The Borough of Hellertown, founded in 1742 and 100 years later incorporated in January 1842, offers a great deal of early history. As early as the Revolutionary War, recorded data indicates Hellertown has been a part in our Nation’s founding and history. In 2022, as we celebrated our 150th Anniversary of the Borough’s incorporation, the Hellertown Historical Society presented a re-issued Walking Tour of Hellertown. The original Walking Tour of Hellertown was first published in the mid 1990’s, created by Borough of Hellertown resident, Nathan Bruce Yonney, who created the tour as a project towards attaining his Eagle Scout rank. Hellertown Historical Society has reviewed, re-edited and re-issued the updated tour in booklet form to include new information and more historical data.
This tour now features three separate walking loops of Hellertown offering historic sites and descriptions of early Hellertown history, including those from the original tour. Many of the buildings that still stand today may be compared to photos posted in the tour booklet from earlier years. Those that have been lost to time and progress are posted with early photos in the tour booklet to provide a visualization of how they appeared years ago. Each of the sites on this tour contributes to the history and life in Hellertown. Truly this is a tour most visitors will want to experience to learn about early Hellertown.
As mentioned, the tour is separated into three sections or loops each beginning and ending at a convenient, free, off-street parking area. Each tour is less than 1.5 miles in length and always maintains the utmost pedestrian safety using established and maintained walkways, crosswalks and traffic signals. Nevertheless, pedestrians should exercise personal safety at all times while negotiating these tours. Please adhere to the tour directions for the most safety.
We hope you take advantage of this unique way to learn about Hellertown history and early life that helped to form our town into the enjoyable area it now is. Special thanks should be given to the original creator/author, Nathan Yonney, whose wonderful idea was the catalyst of what this Walking Tour has become.
The Walking Tour Booklet is available to download as a PDF document by clicking the button below. In addition to the Tour instructions and description, the Walking Tour maps, three in all, are included in the booklet. Each of these maps offers the map key locations, in walking order, corresponding to the three sections on the Tour. Be sure to use the correct map for each loop. Users with a smart device may also use an optional interactive map of this tour by scanning the QR code provided below (internet access is necessary to use this feature). This interactive map lists all the map key sites, by pointers, along with photos and brief descriptions of each site simply by tapping the may key pointer in the map.
Walking Tour QR Code

Use a mobile device to scan the QR Code above to access an interactive Walking Tour Map. Internet access is required to use this feature. Refer to the example images shown above for detail instructions to navigate the map.
Each map key pointer designates a stop along the tour. The pointers are in “walking order” of the Tour. Clicking on the pointer displays information and often a photo describing the item. The map key pointers are color-coordinated for each loop of the Walking Tour with three separate and distinct loops in all.
If you prefer a hardcopy print of any item, you may obtain them by visiting our office at the address below during business hours. Our office is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 9:30AM-11:30AM. You may also phone for an appointment outside these hours. We ask for a donation to offset printing costs.