Hellertown's First Jail

Hellertown's First Jail

Hellertown’s First Jail built in 1872 by then First Burgess, Thomas Laubach, is located at the end of Laubach Street (1/2 block east of Main Street behind 631 Main Street) and served as Hellertown’s first lock-up for 28 years. The approximately 12′ X 14′ stone structure likely housed minimal criminals such as those who were drunk and/or disorderly and perhaps a horse thief or two. No records are available to show that hardened criminals were ever placed in the facility. The jail house was replaced with cells in the municipal building that was later built on Saucon Street inside the new Dewey Fire Company Headquarters.

The Historical Society was gifted the property in 1984 from Elizabeth Hess, widow of Howard Hess, Hellertown Mayor 1946-1949. The jail was restored in 2017 with a new roof, new floor, ceiling and installation of a cell and furniture. The jail is open occasionally throughout the year for tours and serves as an annual stop for Trick or Treaters at Halloween.

Commemorative plaque placed on the jail by Hellertown Historical Society. 

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