Hellertown Historical Society


The Hellertown Historical Society currently publishes a newsletter four times annually. Each issue is packed with news, features and other information about the Society and its activities. Society Members receive each issue of the newsletter as part of their membership benefits. Anyone may request a subscription to the newsletters by clicking here. Your email will be added to our database to ensure you receive each issue via email as it is published. Your email address will never be shared with other organizations or groups and remains confidential with our organization.

Members of the Society are welcome to submit articles for consideration of inclusion in upcoming issues of the newsletter. In order to comply with the Society’s mission, articles should be about Hellertown history or its citizens. Submissions should be directed to the Editor here or may be sent via US mail to the facility office at the address on the About Us page. Articles will be subject to editing for content and space requirements. Please include name and contact info. Authors will be credited with their submissions when published.

Newsletter Archive


NOTE – Only one issue published this year.


NOTE – Only one issue published this year.